1.   Around him, chaos threatens and Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson looks like he could be thinking about most anything.

2.   Alternatively, the analysts argued that a Soviet collapse needed to be avoided at all costs because the resulting chaos would threaten global stability.

3.   For U.S. foreign policy, geared toward the status quo, chaos is threatening.

4.   The ensuing political chaos will seriously threaten U.S. strategic interests, which include vital mineral and oil reserves in Zaire and the surrounding countries.

5.   Chaos threatened to engulf the Russian-organised elections in Chechnya, boycotted by separatist rebels and which officials said Wednesday would have no system to prevent multiple voting.

n. + threaten >>共 1571
group 3.42%
government 2.46%
official 2.39%
leader 2.31%
rebel 2.08%
union 1.76%
party 1.26%
police 1.24%
man 1.11%
administration 1.08%
chaos 0.07%
chaos + v. >>共 140
be 25.44%
reign 8.35%
ensue 7.18%
erupt 4.47%
continue 2.52%
grip 2.14%
break_out 1.94%
follow 1.75%
result 1.55%
come 1.36%
threaten 0.97%
每页显示:    共 5