1.   Chaos rules Port-au-Prince, the once charming port city that has become a teeming warren of the dispossessed.

2.   Everywhere else, chaos will rule.

3.   In the midst of winds, heavy rains, mud and floods, chaos will rule.

4.   By evening, a visitor would not be able to tell that just hours ago, chaos had ruled this quiet village.

5.   Minutes after the blast, chaos ruled in Kanak Mandi.

n. + rule >>共 750
court 34.26%
judge 21.62%
panel 3.11%
official 2.76%
commission 1.55%
jury 1.53%
government 1.46%
justice 1.42%
authority 1.00%
referee 0.91%
chaos 0.09%
chaos + v. >>共 140
be 25.44%
reign 8.35%
ensue 7.18%
erupt 4.47%
continue 2.52%
grip 2.14%
break_out 1.94%
follow 1.75%
result 1.55%
come 1.36%
rule 0.97%
每页显示:    共 5