1.   Some of the families ventured into the crowds of chanting protesters.

2.   To reach the news conference, Pataki had to ford a group of chanting protesters opposed to his initiative.

3.   Buoyed by a surprise offer from Indonesia to consider independence for the former Portuguese colony, the chanting protesters demanded the Indonesian military withdraw troops at once.

4.   Chanting protesters set fire to a pile of tires, rubbish and plastic trash cans at an intersection about five blocks from the house where Elian was taken.

5.   He mostly stays in his back yard, away from the chanting protesters and media camped outside his house.

6.   Most people leaving the campus after the prayers ignored the chanting protesters outside.

7.   Police vans were parked all over the Madrid plaza, and a police helicopter hovered overhead as small groups of chanting protesters wandered around under a blazing Spanish sun.

8.   The Israeli police donned protective visors and formed lines to block chanting protesters demonstrating only a few yards from the disputed site.

9.   TORONTO -- Three hundred chanting protesters crowd into a hotel meeting room to angrily disrupt federal hearings into changes to the social safety net.

10.   Several hundred chanting protesters demanding freedom for East Timor demonstrated Thursday at Melbourne University where UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali was opening a conference.

a. + protester >>共 484
palestinian 6.05%
angry 4.73%
anti-government 4.44%
catholic 3.55%
pro-democracy 2.55%
anti-abortion 2.51%
anti-nuclear 2.51%
young 2.22%
anti-war 1.94%
the 1.70%
chanting 0.47%
chanting + n. >>共 47
slogan 18.80%
demonstrator 11.11%
crowd 9.40%
protester 8.55%
student 4.27%
supporter 4.27%
fan 3.42%
monk 2.56%
prayer 2.56%
activist 1.71%
每页显示:    共 10