1.   Additions or deletions can change this situation.

2.   But a few things are being done to change the situation.

3.   How can those women who do become conscious of their predicament act to change their situation?

4.   I later realised I had missed a major opportunity for helping change the situation.

5.   In addition, a child who is aware of her anger is more likely to take assertive action to change her situation.

6.   Mere exhortations in syllabus documents will not change this situation.

7.   Such an unpleasant and unanticipated development radically changes the situation, and further and more profound explanations are clearly called for.

8.   There was nothing I could do to change my situation.

9.   This means that the best way to change this situation is to change your behavior.

10.   From further afield there are going to be pressures to change that situation, particularly from Europe in either actual or proposed legislation.

v. + situation >>共 580
discuss 10.56%
monitor 5.53%
handle 4.70%
assess 4.62%
improve 2.89%
review 2.41%
calm 2.08%
defuse 1.84%
describe 1.81%
resolve 1.68%
change 1.23%
change + n. >>共 808
mind 10.90%
name 4.62%
way 4.27%
life 2.56%
law 2.41%
rule 2.32%
hand 2.18%
bond 1.77%
policy 1.76%
course 1.71%
situation 0.29%
每页显示:    共 85