1.   Business people say technological change will mean fewer but better jobs.

2.   People need time to think through what the changes will mean for them.

3.   Swift fashion changes mean that the shop has to change its stock every six to eight weeks.

4.   This proposed change will mean it will be a little easier for some one with real opinions and views to be selected.

5.   Better eating habits coupled with lifestyle changes mean that people in the US are becoming much healthier.

6.   To appreciate what these changes will mean, it is necessary to look at them in context.

7.   The change will mean that the country no longer has full diplomatic relations with other states.

8.   What did it matter if the change in posture meant she could see all of his chest now, the hard planes, the well-defined muscles?

9.   Some are confident that the changes will mean better care.

n. + mean >>共 1384
decision 1.81%
change 1.50%
result 1.44%
ruling 1.30%
move 1.19%
word 1.08%
victory 0.98%
game 0.96%
name 0.85%
number 0.84%
change + v. >>共 398
be 40.20%
come 6.16%
have 3.01%
take 2.84%
make 2.41%
occur 1.88%
affect 1.79%
include 1.60%
mean 1.59%
require 1.18%
每页显示:    共 186