1.   A lawyer is challenging his detention in U.S. District Court in New York.

2.   Derived from English common law, habeas corpus was used to challenge unlawful detentions by the king.

3.   He has challenged his detention in U.S. District Court in New York.

4.   If Hamdi remained at Guantanamo, experts say, he could become a test case for challenging the detention of all prisoners there.

5.   The designation means the prisoners are held incommunicado, unable to call or receive visits from defense lawyers to challenge their detention.

6.   Human rights and civil rights groups filed a federal lawsuit earlier this month challenging the detentions.

7.   In Los Angeles, a federal judge agreed to hear a petition from U.S. civil rights advocates challenging the detention of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

8.   Last week, Sobhraj challenged his detention in a high-security police station in New Delhi.

9.   The judge said Ajouaou could challenge his detention in a further appeal to the commission.

10.   They are challenging their detention without trial and want the court to declare the holding charges against them illegal.

v. + detention >>共 144
allow 13.76%
extend 9.93%
protest 9.79%
confirm 4.26%
follow 2.98%
permit 2.70%
order 2.13%
challenge 2.13%
include 2.13%
criticize 1.70%
challenge + n. >>共 1109
law 3.55%
constitutionality 2.72%
decision 2.62%
authority 2.08%
result 2.04%
legality 1.69%
rule 1.61%
ruling 1.47%
notion 1.47%
claim 1.11%
detention 0.30%
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