1.   So who had the chalk outline around their corpse on Tuesday night?

2.   As stops along memory lane go, he probably imagines this one filled with chalk outlines and cordoned off with yellow tape.

3.   But then you shake yourself awake and realize that the road your boy has chosen is dotted with the chalk outlines of young bodies all shaped like his.

4.   His friends and family joke about the time one of the officers drew a chalk outline of a fan who laid down in the parking lot.

5.   However, on the sidewalk where the couch had been there is an outline like the chalk outline detectives make at a crime scene.

6.   It was placed above a white chalk police outline of a corpse.

7.   No longer could anyone see New York as simply another dying or dead city, a stark chalk outline drawn in the gutter of history by a bored detective.

8.   The chalk outline is in the shape of a mouse with big round ears.

9.   The surprise is no one there has mugged it or drawn a chalk outline around it.

10.   There they held tombstones and effigies, drew chalk body outlines and demanded for the suit to be dropped.

n. + outline >>共 72
budget 15.69%
chalk 7.84%
draft 4.58%
policy 4.58%
plot 4.58%
treaty 3.27%
story 2.61%
course 2.61%
proposal 2.61%
settlement 1.96%
chalk + n. >>共 67
mark 11.64%
line 11.64%
dust 9.59%
outline 8.22%
board 4.79%
cliff 3.42%
drawing 2.74%
circle 2.74%
powder 2.05%
marking 1.37%
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