1.   An office to certify organic products for export is expected to be in place by March.

2.   The company has arranged to have its product certified by the Georgia Crop Improvement Association, an Athens nonprofit group, he said.

3.   The department generally prevails but often only under the threat of withdrawing inspectors who certify products as safe.

4.   The French food safety agency certified Coca-Cola products as safe Thursday morning, citing the transitory symptoms reported by consumers in France and the few people affected.

5.   They are among almost two dozen companies whose software products are certified by the Postal Service for use in verifying and sorting mailing addresses.

6.   How can our manufacturers expect to compete in the global market if their products cannot be certified as having been produced through environment-friendly processes?

7.   MEC products are certified by Sirim.

8.   Other groups or independent labs could then certify the products that comply with the requirements.

9.   The FCC rules allowed other companies to certify their products as safe to connect to the Bell network and helped foster competition.

10.   This means that when a particular product is certified for use in one Asean country, it will automatically be accepted for use in the other Asean countries.

v. + product >>共 480
sell 12.51%
make 5.17%
buy 4.16%
market 3.76%
develop 3.59%
use 3.34%
introduce 1.94%
promote 1.84%
distribute 1.83%
produce 1.64%
certify 0.11%
certify + n. >>共 270
result 11.79%
vote 4.66%
election 4.37%
winner 2.77%
case 2.47%
compliance 2.47%
slate 2.04%
country 1.60%
class 1.60%
product 1.60%
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