1.   Firstly, there are anatomical reports of ventricular enlargement and cortical atrophy in people with chronic schizophrenia, and of a thickening of the corpus collosum and cerebral atrophy.

2.   While most other children her age are walking and learning to talk, Alexcya suffers from cerebral atrophy, a form of cerebral palsy.

3.   Fiona Tyndall has cerebral atrophy, which prevents the brain developing to a normal size.

4.   Fiona Tyndall has cerebral atrophy, which prevents the brain from developing to a normal size.

5.   T.J., whose Korean name is Tae-jik, has limited motor coordination and speech ability due to cerebral atrophy.

a. + atrophy >>共 16
muscular 19.15%
gastric 17.02%
spinal 14.89%
cerebral 10.64%
intestinal 8.51%
villous 6.38%
subsequent 4.26%
cerebellar-cortical 2.13%
cortical 2.13%
partial 2.13%
cerebral + n. >>共 166
hemorrhage 29.11%
haemorrhage 5.12%
malaria 2.96%
edema 2.70%
blood 2.43%
artery 1.89%
approach 1.89%
disease 1.62%
atrophy 1.35%
exercise 1.35%
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