1.   Delegates also approved a draft programme and rules designed to replace centralized bureaucracy and promote true democracy and the voice of minorities within the MPRP.

2.   This leads to quicker responses while avoiding the resentments that occur when a centralized bureaucracy steps in.

3.   We run a deficit because we have become a huge welfare state with massive transfer payments and a big centralized bureaucracy.

4.   Communities also are responsible for maintaining what is built and are no longer dependent on a centralized bureaucracy to look after schools, hospitals and other facilities.

5.   Milburn said loosening the constraints of centralized bureaucracy would help rejuvenate the health service.

6.   Most opposition parties said the new demarcations will erode public accountability and create centralized bureaucracies.

7.   She also believes that economies need to be self-sustaining, self-renewing, relying on local initiative instead of centralized bureaucracies.

a. + bureaucracy >>共 349
federal 11.55%
bloated 6.09%
state 5.91%
new 4.45%
entrenched 2.18%
russian 1.45%
cumbersome 1.36%
large 1.36%
huge 1.18%
unwieldy 1.18%
centralized 0.64%
centralized + n. >>共 161
system 10.08%
economy 6.30%
control 6.05%
government 5.54%
power 3.27%
operation 2.52%
state 2.27%
computer 2.02%
server 2.02%
authority 1.76%
bureaucracy 1.76%
每页显示:    共 7