1.   Bins in the doors are small and the center console bin is quite shallow.

2.   A covered center bin, while narrow, proved to be deep enough to hold plenty and pockets in the seat backs add to that.

3.   The glove box is small but a center bin and seat pocketss expand storage potential.

4.   --The pop-up top on the center console bin that turns it into a raised armrest.

5.   There is good interior storage, thanks to a massive center bin, bins on all four doors and seat-back pockets.

n. + bin >>共 135
trash 30.81%
garbage 12.79%
storage 8.43%
litter 3.63%
door 2.76%
compost 2.76%
grain 2.62%
luggage 1.60%
cargo 1.31%
sin 1.31%
center 0.73%
center + n. >>共 490
stage 26.55%
court 7.69%
ice 5.32%
console 3.38%
position 2.40%
official 2.33%
line 2.12%
site 1.77%
attack 1.70%
aisle 1.57%
bin 0.17%
每页显示:    共 5