1.   An executive at Morgan Stanley said the evaluation had been in keeping with other industry transactions, though several cellular telephone experts disgreed.

2.   How would reporters communicate, when both cellular telephone services and regular telephone service was episodic at best?

3.   The products also may include stationery, toys, office furniture and cellular telephones, he said.

4.   Why is wireless communication, whether cellular telephones or pagers, so popular in metro Atlanta?

n. + telephone >>共 148
caller 5.32%
man 4.18%
president 3.80%
leader 3.04%
mother 2.28%
nurse 1.90%
father 1.90%
official 1.90%
friend 1.90%
people 1.52%
cellular 1.52%
cellular + v. >>共 4
telephone 57.14%
be 14.29%
flip 14.29%
offer 14.29%
每页显示:    共 4