1.   As long as a phone is turned on, it is communicating with the closest cell towers, sending signals about its whereabouts.

2.   Cell phone companies have been unable to build enough new cell towers or squeeze the capacity they need out of existing ones.

3.   Communities are rallying against an upsurge in permit requests for cell towers, saying they cause blight in their neighborhoods and pose health risks.

4.   Compounding the problem, Chabin says, is that the county has no regulations on cell towers.

5.   County planners have scheduled a meeting this week to draft an ordinance concerning the height and zoning on cell towers.

6.   Downed cell towers, demolished switching stations, dead cell phone batteries and overloaded circuits stymied many phone communication efforts in New York.

7.   Even on the grounds of Mount Vernon, the historic Virginia home of George Washington, a fake pine tree was recently constructed to hide a cell tower.

8.   Giant cell towers, ugly wires, add visual pollution to everything else.

9.   His article prompted public safety officers around the country to scrutinize their own systems and wonder if cell towers were creating problems.

10.   Instead of the call going to a cell tower, the signal bounces off a satellite.

n. + tower >>共 233
twin 21.49%
office 15.37%
north 5.86%
bell 5.37%
communication 4.73%
transmission 3.87%
guard 2.85%
television 2.63%
radio 2.36%
observation 2.04%
cell 1.24%
cell + n. >>共 348
line 9.66%
block 4.95%
growth 4.77%
door 4.71%
type 4.15%
proliferation 3.72%
death 3.53%
nucleus 2.23%
site 2.11%
culture 2.04%
tower 1.42%
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