1.   But a brain with a fixed number of cells almost certainly works better than one whose cells are constantly dividing.

2.   Cancer cells divide rapidly.

3.   Each time the cells divide, the number of cells doubles.

4.   When such a polarized cell divides, the two daughter cells receive different chemical allocations.

5.   Cells divide and renew as part of the human growth process.

6.   Those cells divide and give many other different types of cells.

7.   Around and just above the dermal papilla, cells divide rapidly.

8.   As a consequence, when the cell divides, its telomere shortens.

9.   Brain cells do not divide after birth, but they begin to die in old age and our mental function begins to decline.

10.   After a few days, when the cells have divided several times, the embryo is frozen in liquid nitrogen tanks to be preserved for later implantation.

n. + divide >>共 498
issue 7.42%
cell 5.40%
remains 4.47%
war 1.77%
accord 1.60%
plan 1.43%
line 1.35%
debate 1.35%
question 1.26%
agreement 1.18%
cell + v. >>共 409
be 16.86%
have 5.47%
divide 3.10%
produce 2.91%
grow 2.37%
die 2.37%
become 2.23%
begin 1.65%
contain 1.55%
make 1.45%
每页显示:    共 64