1.   Walahfrid wrote a poem to celebrate the virtues of Ruadbern, the young fidelis who escorted Judith home.

2.   A century ago, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation establishing a national holiday to celebrate the virtues of honest work.

3.   His manifesto first appeared as a cover story last summer in Wired magazine, whose pages generally celebrate the virtues of technology.

4.   He was celebrating the virtues of independent thought and freedom from tyranny, the brotherhood of man.

5.   The president-elect celebrated the virtues of the dusty town where he grew up and got his start in the oil business.

v. + virtue >>共 148
extoll 14.61%
have 11.48%
make 9.74%
extol 7.65%
preach 5.04%
see 3.83%
tout 2.78%
learn 2.09%
promote 2.09%
praise 1.74%
celebrate 0.87%
celebrate + n. >>共 836
victory 7.81%
birthday 5.00%
end 3.71%
anniversary 2.74%
holiday 2.27%
life 1.95%
return 1.73%
birth 1.42%
festival 1.38%
success 1.29%
virtue 0.16%
每页显示:    共 5