1.   A series of asylum requests at Western embassies and U.N. offices in Beijing has caused diplomatic dilemmas for China.

2.   Such asylum requests have caused diplomatic dilemmas for the Chinese government.

3.   The flare-up of anger over the bases has caused a dilemma for Murayama, a Socialist who once opposed all U.S. military presence in Japan.

4.   The fracas over the bases has caused a dilemma for Murayama, a Socialist who once opposed all U.S. military presence in Japan.

v. + dilemma >>共 110
face 24.31%
pose 9.21%
create 7.00%
solve 6.81%
have 6.63%
resolve 4.60%
present 3.50%
explain 1.84%
see 1.66%
underscore 1.47%
cause 0.74%
cause + n. >>共 821
damage 8.58%
problem 6.70%
injury 3.26%
death 2.52%
explosion 2.10%
casualty 2.06%
delay 1.77%
accident 1.75%
crash 1.64%
concern 1.57%
dilemma 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4