1.   Perhaps the weight of water and sediment from catastrophic floods along the Nile sank the marshy land.

2.   Overdevelopment is contaminating public water supplies and increasing the frequency of catastrophic floods, he said.

3.   This would have created a catastrophic flood that carved the Grand Canyon very quickly, within a couple million years, Ort said.

4.   As it seeks help after catastrophic floods, North Korea is biting the hands that have been feeding it.

5.   Despite the Asian financial crisis, catastrophic floods and weaker overseas and domestic markets, Zhu insisted that painful economic and bureaucratic reforms would continue.

6.   He added that the controversial donation would be sent to a relief fund for vicitms of catastrophic floods that hit the country last summer.

7.   Klaus added that the controversial donation would be sent to a relief fund for victims of catastrophic floods that hit the country last summer.

8.   Mozambique, devastated by catastrophic floods, will receive expanded debt relief under a proposal being put forward by the Clinton administration, sources said.

9.   The catastrophic floods in southern China last month have slowed down economic growth, the State Statistics Bureau said Wednesday.

10.   The editorial, effectively a policy statement, made only vague mention of catastrophic floods last summer that caused North Korea to seek outside help for the first time.

a. + flood >>共 342
coastal 8.39%
devastating 5.22%
recent 4.84%
severe 3.63%
massive 3.55%
worst 2.49%
new 2.27%
heavy 1.97%
disastrous 1.81%
major 1.74%
catastrophic 1.36%
catastrophic + n. >>共 208
illness 4.93%
event 4.63%
failure 4.03%
consequence 3.88%
loss 3.43%
accident 3.13%
injury 3.13%
damage 3.13%
fire 2.99%
flood 2.69%
每页显示:    共 18