1.   Numbers of casualties among refugees represent an appalling indictment of Western policy.

2.   The report also mentioned numerous casualties among government forces during heavy fighting around Kirkuk.

3.   The precise reasoning behind the apparent intent to inflict fatalities and casualties among the civilian population in Britain is far from clear.

4.   Casualties among the French, badly deficient of deep shelters after the weeks of heavy shelling, were appalling.

5.   Casualties among some batteries were in fact often at least as high as among the infantry.

6.   The helicopters will be used to remove casualties among British forces in Bosnia for medical treatment behind the lines.

7.   At the same time, Cohen and other officials said the attack was launched at night to minimize casualties among civilians, especially in Khartoum.

8.   Avoiding civilian casualties among the Pashtun is important because neither the Pentagon nor the Northern Alliance wants to encourage Pashtuns in the south to unite about the Taliban.

9.   A military hospital near the academy suffered broken windows but apparently there were no further casualties among the patients.

n. + among >>共 1306
support 2.52%
concern 2.29%
competition 1.72%
debate 1.01%
casualty 0.99%
difference 0.97%
fear 0.96%
cooperation 0.94%
chief 0.92%
rate 0.81%
casualty + p. >>共 53
in 29.65%
of 17.69%
from 16.76%
among 12.55%
on 10.58%
to 2.09%
at 1.53%
during 1.34%
for 1.04%
as 0.71%
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