1.   A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.

2.   But lately, to the casual observer, it would seem that the match is being interrupted, or at least expanded.

3.   Even for casual observers the clues to its presence are abundant.

4.   I would recommend them only for the casual observer who wants little apart from views of lunar craters.

5.   This is mostly due to the almost universal lowering of expectations among diehard fans and casual observers.

6.   This is the sight which stays with even the casual observer.

7.   To the casual observer Mary seemed quite calm.

8.   To the casual observer Mary seemed quite calm.

9.   While the Macintosh still possess all the benefits it seems, to a casual observer, to be an incompatible system.

10.   And perhaps more bewildering to the casual observer is that the debate, as raucous as it has been, retains the veneer of civility.

a. + observer >>共 497
international 23.44%
military 11.76%
political 9.36%
foreign 6.82%
independent 4.76%
western 2.26%
casual 2.16%
legal 2.10%
unarmed 1.63%
outside 1.59%
casual + n. >>共 671
observer 4.31%
fan 3.66%
clothes 3.66%
dress 2.89%
conversation 2.85%
wear 2.40%
contact 1.91%
clothing 1.79%
sex 1.75%
visitor 1.75%
每页显示:    共 105