1.   And we will create casting agencies.

2.   Both work in show business, Lucy for a casting agency and Sam as a BBC editor.

3.   Enlisting casting agencies is the latest gambit being tried in the endless quest to find enough bodies to fill seats.

4.   It also provides for donations to charities and for hiring actors provided by the casting agency.

5.   It was handled by a local casting agency which contacted Kee.

a. + agency >>共 565
federal 16.42%
state 6.93%
advertising 4.21%
international 4.10%
new 3.51%
regulatory 3.24%
independent 2.24%
the 1.74%
humanitarian 1.72%
rating 1.66%
casting 0.04%
casting + n. >>共 85
director 27.31%
call 11.07%
agent 5.54%
decision 5.17%
process 3.32%
choice 2.58%
search 2.58%
agency 1.85%
coup 1.85%
ballot 1.85%
每页显示:    共 5