1.   Cast your line across the current and upstream.

2.   And cast your lines deep.

3.   Both books remind you that half the beauty of fishing is above water on dry land in places where it is impossible to cast a line.

4.   A lone fisherman stood under the shade of an oak, casting his line.

5.   A spattering of fishermen cast their lines to tempt gilled prizes hiding in the beds of kelp.

6.   But still, for those willing to cast their lines, there can be huge rewards in picking a battered stock and watching it reach its full potential.

7.   But there is more to going cold turkey outside the Beltway than casting a line in the Clark Fork River.

8.   Every summer, Steven E. Folker treks up to his cabin in the northern Wisconsin woods near Chequamegon Bay to cast his line for smallmouth bass and lake trout.

9.   Fishermen cast their lines in the forbidden waters of the Pripyat River.

10.   Fishermen in small boats cast their lines, birds twittered in the trees, and little critters scampered about the dirt path encircling the pond.

v. + line >>共 1207
draw 10.98%
cross 10.08%
hold 3.01%
blur 2.44%
have 1.93%
use 1.68%
cut 1.56%
follow 0.93%
toe 0.91%
introduce 0.83%
cast 0.36%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
line 0.61%
每页显示:    共 32