1.   As the criminal case proceeds, so too does their divorce case.

2.   But that assertion is likely to be challenged in court if the criminal case proceeds.

3.   If the case proceeds as similar cases have, Sunflower at some point will file a reorganization plan setting forth how company officials intend to pay off creditors.

4.   The waters of Army v. McKinney remain muddied, the accusations still ricochet as the case proceeds on appeal.

5.   Volcker has asked Korman to dismiss the case, contending that the banks may be reluctant to cooperate with his commission if the U.S. case proceeds.

6.   But if the case proceeds in court, it will pit members of two prominent Hong Kong families against one another, and the stakes will be high.

7.   Elian has since been staying with his father in the Washington area as the court case proceeds.

8.   The request for the room was widely seen here as a bid by Mulroney to escape the glares of television cameras and mikes as the case proceeds.

a. + proceeds >>共 89
net 20.35%
remaining 7.79%
insurance 5.19%
sales 4.33%
case 3.46%
total 3.03%
criminal 2.60%
entire 2.16%
additional 2.16%
game 2.16%
case + n. >>共 278
file 9.03%
manager 8.82%
scenario 5.48%
worker 5.16%
basis 5.05%
management 4.52%
officer 3.44%
report 2.15%
conference 1.83%
sale 1.83%
proceeds 0.86%
每页显示:    共 8