1.   Samper denied soliciting the cartel donations.

2.   Samper has denied he solicited the cartel donations.

3.   The scandal threatens to engulf Samper, who is the target of a congressional probe into the alleged Cali cartel donations.

4.   They also implicate the president in the falsification of campaign ledgers to hide the cartel donations.

n. + donation >>共 147
campaign 22.19%
organ 17.84%
blood 11.50%
money 8.06%
soft-money 4.62%
cash 3.99%
food 2.72%
egg 2.63%
aid 1.27%
sperm 1.27%
cartel 0.36%
cartel + n. >>共 99
leader 28.37%
member 8.78%
kingpin 7.96%
office 6.12%
money 4.69%
boss 3.27%
authority 3.06%
contribution 1.84%
corruption 1.43%
associate 1.43%
donation 0.82%
每页显示:    共 4