1.   Blowflies, bluebottles, fruit flies and carrion beetles have a fine and discriminating sense of smell, thanks to nerve cells in their antennae.

2.   Carrion beetles, for example, can sniff out a dead animal from a long way off, while fruit flies pick up early signs of decay in fruit.

3.   In the tropics of Sumatra, carrion beetles flock to the foul odor and pollinate the plant.

4.   The smell attracts carrion beetles that pollinate the flower.

a. + beetle >>共 81
japanese 12.82%
adult 7.05%
asian 5.77%
black 5.13%
longhorned 5.13%
carrion 2.56%
little 2.56%
fire-colored 1.92%
checkered 1.92%
big 1.92%
carrion + n. >>共 8
eater 39.13%
bird 21.74%
beetle 17.39%
community 4.35%
creature 4.35%
feeder 4.35%
hanging 4.35%
if 4.35%
每页显示:    共 4