1.   Much of the popular carnival atmosphere of traditional democratic politics was eliminated.

2.   Outside the stadium, there was a carnival atmosphere.

3.   There is a carnival atmosphere in the office.

4.   He hoped there would be a carnival atmosphere.

5.   At Belmont Park, a carnival atmosphere will prevail in the parking lot with rides and concessions on three weekends leading up to the Belmont Stakes.

6.   At times, those props served to encourage a carnival atmosphere.

7.   Before that incident, the blockade had almost a carnival atmosphere.

8.   A carnival atmosphere is expected outside the hearing, where adversaries have scheduled separate rallies for and against the controversial act.

9.   A carnival atmosphere!

10.   Across the bridge to the Canadian side, there is a carnival atmosphere of busy tourist strips on clean roads.

n. + atmosphere >>共 228
carnival 15.65%
circus 5.58%
playoff 5.40%
crisis 4.14%
small-town 2.52%
clubhouse 1.62%
pressure-cooker 1.62%
playoff-type 1.44%
free-for-all 1.44%
village 1.44%
carnival + n. >>共 132
atmosphere 21.07%
ride 7.26%
barker 5.57%
celebration 3.39%
parade 2.42%
mood 2.42%
time 2.18%
midway 2.18%
game 1.94%
music 1.69%
每页显示:    共 87