1.   An NBA career lasts, on average, barely five years.

2.   A professional soccer career lasts but a few years.

3.   But his college career lasted only a few weeks into his freshman year.

4.   But his college career lasted only a few weeks.

5.   But his knees were shot by the time he got his chance, and his NFL career lasted only two seasons.

6.   Clifton never thought his career would last as long as it has.

7.   Cone is coming to grips with the reality that every time he pitches poorly, speculation mounts about how much longer his career will last.

8.   Eastwood admits to amazement at how long his career has lasted.

9.   For the five games his Lakers career lasted, Trevor Wilson proved quite a basketball bargain.

10.   Gary and Glenn said their hockey careers lasted through high school.

n. + last >>共 1450
trial 2.51%
meeting 1.71%
talk 1.59%
operation 1.49%
strike 1.45%
session 1.25%
season 1.19%
marriage 1.00%
effect 0.98%
time 0.80%
career 0.40%
career + v. >>共 365
be 31.93%
end 6.01%
take 5.86%
begin 4.71%
start 3.48%
go 3.10%
seem 2.57%
include 2.26%
span 1.80%
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