1.   Christine DeLay works with Court Appointed Special Advocates, a national organization of volunteers who submit recommendations to judges on foster care placement.

2.   Five years later, four of his surviving siblings are still bouncing through foster care placements.

3.   His CPS case plan calls for a long-term foster care placement.

4.   So far, the fledgling sibling programs are making incremental differences, as states try to weigh priorities in foster care placement.

5.   The financial and human impact of the rise in foster care placement has yet to be fully assessed.

n. + placement >>共 109
product 27.77%
pin 13.77%
job 11.29%
share 3.61%
community 2.71%
equity 1.81%
camera 1.81%
work 1.35%
stent 1.35%
body 1.13%
care 1.13%
care + n. >>共 364
plan 7.26%
center 6.79%
company 6.51%
program 4.26%
provider 3.95%
product 3.67%
system 3.16%
facility 2.92%
service 2.72%
worker 2.01%
placement 0.20%
每页显示:    共 5