1.   In work settings, people are able to limit the negative cardiovascular effects of stress through a variety of techniques.

2.   The antiplatelet agents prostacyclin and dipyridamole are likewise not routinely used because of their cardiovascular effects and poor efficacy, respectively.

3.   But on average the positive cardiovascular effect of moderate drinking is not small, and it is not in dispute.

4.   Cardiovascular effects are another concern.

5.   If the cardiovascular effects are real, and not spurious, it is not clear why.

6.   In human trials, modafinil appears more effective than caffeine without causing the anxiety, euphoria and cardiovascular effects of amphetamines.

7.   They found no adverse cardiovascular effects and a slight improvement in coronary blood flow reserve.

a. + effect >>共 805
long-term 3.00%
negative 2.93%
immediate 2.88%
adverse 2.65%
positive 2.46%
same 2.34%
ill 2.11%
overall 1.57%
opposite 1.49%
possible 1.49%
cardiovascular 0.05%
cardiovascular + n. >>共 106
disease 32.30%
system 7.77%
problem 6.22%
exercise 3.28%
fitness 2.94%
health 2.94%
workout 2.25%
benefit 2.07%
surgery 1.90%
risk 1.55%
effect 1.21%
每页显示:    共 7