1.   Can I also use it with my laptop and thus avoid purchasing a PC card modem?

2.   It was hard to insert a PC card modem unless I was looking directly into the slot bay.

3.   PC card modems are the size of a thick credit card.

4.   Plug in a standard PCMCIA card modem, and you can surf the World Wide Web on a crude but serviceable browser, and send e-mail.

5.   Several manufacturers offer PC card modems for the Macintosh.

6.   Some of the major developers have not redesigned their programs to work with a PC card modem.

n. + modem >>共 42
cable 56.69%
computer 12.57%
dial-up 9.98%
fax 5.99%
telephone 3.39%
card 1.20%
datum 1.00%
higher-speed 0.60%
satellite 0.60%
dial-back 0.40%
card + n. >>共 318
game 11.50%
holder 6.29%
table 5.51%
issuer 5.33%
company 4.49%
reader 3.00%
number 2.76%
business 2.10%
system 2.04%
show 1.86%
modem 0.36%
每页显示:    共 6