1.   As Yergin correctly points out, free-market capitalism has triumphed because it has been able to deliver rewards that the state never could.

2.   Capitalism has just triumphed over its great enemy.

3.   Capitalism triumphed again.

4.   In those days every American boy understood, from hundreds of Saturday afternoons at the movies, that capitalism will always triumph over art.

5.   It is no longer news that capitalism triumphed in Russia.

n. + triumph >>共 142
good 5.61%
love 3.57%
capitalism 2.55%
view 2.55%
force 2.04%
evil 2.04%
market 2.04%
interest 1.53%
party 1.53%
spirit 1.53%
capitalism + v. >>共 104
be 26.45%
have 7.02%
develop 2.48%
work 2.48%
provide 2.07%
win 2.07%
triumph 2.07%
require 2.07%
survive 1.65%
prove 1.65%
每页显示:    共 5