1.   Many presidential candidates have used humor to diffuse criticism.

2.   In the runoff campaign both candidates used negative campaign tactics, personal attack and innuendo.

3.   It enables candidates to use the media and campaign techniques which are now an essential part of the electoral process in America.

4.   And whether it will arouse wider interest in politics will depend greatly on how the candidates use the time.

5.   And these committees are not the only devices the candidates are using to raise unlimited contributions.

6.   As a result, the candidates have used their positions as a springboard to explain why they would be a better president.

7.   Both candidates are using this idea of accountability to show they are centrists on education, an issue that ranks high among voter concerns in most polls.

8.   Both candidates should use the opportunity to learn more about his immigration ideas.

9.   A candidate could use his limited response time to address the policy positions or statements of another, but the GOP contenders did not debate each other directly.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
candidate 0.25%
candidate + v. >>共 605
be 18.03%
have 5.79%
win 3.04%
say 2.36%
run 2.08%
include 2.04%
make 1.42%
take 1.31%
get 1.10%
do 1.06%
use 0.78%
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