1.   Clinton carried his campaign into Republican areas.

2.   And each side sought to portray the other as the one dragging the campaign into the mud.

3.   Another lesson from the fourth quarter dot-com deluge is that haste often makes waste, as in hastily rushing a campaign into the market can waste precious ad dollars.

4.   Aramony still receives considerable credit for helping to transform local charity campaigns into an effective, professional money-raising machine.

5.   Bob Dole is flying right from a presidential campaign into an advertising campaign.

6.   Buchanan must now carry his campaign into the presidential primaries, which is no longer the exclusive realm of the most motivated voters.

7.   But it is unclear whether diamond manufacturers have the means and the will to put large-scale marketing campaigns into place.

8.   But what kicked that campaign into overdrive was the closing of the Navy base.

9.   Even Goldberg could not resist drawing the presidential campaign into his testimony.

10.   Green said that Schumer was violating the spirit of campaign restrictions by transferring unspent contributions from his past congressional campaign into his Senate account.

n. + into >>共 1506
investigation 5.70%
way 2.65%
money 1.80%
ball 1.00%
research 0.81%
troop 0.77%
move 0.76%
people 0.69%
incursion 0.67%
country 0.61%
campaign 0.05%
campaign + p. >>共 69
against 26.55%
for 17.36%
in 13.94%
of 13.45%
by 6.25%
on 3.54%
with 3.27%
to 3.03%
as 1.93%
from 1.36%
into 0.39%
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