1.   Across Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean, governments and citizens campaigned to bring pillaged art back home.

2.   That was the Old Newt Gingrich, campaigning to bring down Democratic Speaker Jim Wright for a fishy backroom book deal.

3.   With a tangle of cut-rate electronics and a couple of computers, the free-netters of Buffalo, N.Y., are campaigning to bring cyberspace to the people.

4.   But Communist Refoundation leader Fausto Bertinotti has been campaigning to bring back the automatic wage hikes.

5.   Mexican government campaigns to bring tourists to Acapulco.

6.   The new Mining Renaissance labor union is campaigning to bring new businesses to Lota and is pushing the government to do more to help.

7.   An Iraqi opposition group campaigning to bring down President Saddam Hussein opened an office in Amman for the first time on Thursday.

8.   Support also may exist in Spain, where the government of conservative Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has campaigned to bring change to Cuba.

v. + bring >>共 262
work 12.03%
use 8.31%
do 5.96%
forecast 4.47%
be 2.98%
walk 1.99%
can 1.61%
fight 1.61%
act 1.49%
exist 1.24%
campaign 0.99%
campaign + v. >>共 143
have 8.77%
keep 4.11%
get 3.56%
save 3.29%
stop 3.01%
oust 2.19%
bring 2.19%
succeed 2.19%
change 2.19%
make 2.19%
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