1.   Keyes is a fiery orator who built his campaign around his anti-abortion stand.

2.   And it is a problem in France, where noisy politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the National Front, built his campaign around vilifying immigrants.

3.   Andrew said that what made it appropriate for the party was the ubiquity of the topic in congressional campaigns around the country.

4.   Bauer, for one, is nearly building his campaign around holding other candidates accountable for their stances on abortion.

5.   All three parties are building campaigns around TV commercials and radio talk show appearances.

6.   Bradley said on Friday that he was organizing his campaign around the theme of racial unity.

7.   Even Republican national chairman Haley Barbour said debates were not known for turning campaigns around.

8.   Her Republican opponent, Rep. Rick Lazio, is building much of his campaign around these negative ratings, in the hope that they will grow.

9.   His own energetic campaign around the country, he says, is intended simply to seek approval for the continuation of his policies.

10.   In fact, Clinton will structure his campaign around that idea.

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campaign + p. >>共 69
against 26.55%
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