1.   And despite their statements Saturday, do the two Cambodian leaders really wish to see a tribunal proceed?

2.   Last year Washington tried to persuade Canada to prosecute the genocidal Cambodian leader Pol Pot.

3.   Some Cambodian leaders may be tempted to offer amnesties anyway, in the hope of luring his former associates into political alliances.

4.   The court would be in Cambodia and require the cooperation of the Cambodian leader, Hun Sen, who had been seeking to cripple any prospect of independent justice.

5.   Police have called the incident, which took place shortly before the new Cambodian parliament was sworn into session, an assassination attempt on the Cambodian leader.

6.   A booby trap exploded near the convoy of Cambodian leader Hun Sen Thursday, killing a young boy and injuring three people, police said.

7.   A Cambodian leader accused Khmer Rouge guerrillas Thursday of stalling in turning over their deposed chief, the infamous Pol Pot, to government custody for a genocide trial.

8.   A prominent ally of ousted Cambodian leader Prince Norodom Ranariddh has turned up dead under mysterious circumstances in the capital, officials said Wednesday.

9.   A rocket exploded near the motorcade of Cambodian leader Hun Sen on Thursday, leaving him unharmed but killing a young boy, police said.

10.   Although Cambodian leaders were still in conflict, there were positive signs for peace.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
cambodian 0.15%
cambodian + n. >>共 432
government 17.85%
leader 4.68%
official 4.24%
authority 3.16%
capital 2.96%
army 2.24%
court 2.20%
police 1.84%
law 1.48%
refugee 1.40%
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