1.   A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.

2.   Or call to find a local stockist.

3.   Apple has a User Group information line you can call to find your nearest group.

4.   Chuck Armor, senior biologist at the state Department of Fish and Game, says the fish follow what scientists call salt cues to find comfortable saline levels.

5.   The Monterrey meeting was called to find new ways of helping poor countries reduce poverty, cut infant mortality and expand access to education.

6.   Von Cramm was called to find Adolf Hitler on the other end offering words of encouragement.

7.   When the man called home to find out of if it were true, Buchanan traced the phone call.

8.   According to Gronbaek, this is made possible by the presence of natural substances called flavonoids found in grapes that are abundantly present in red wine.

9.   An emergency summit called to find ways to end the fighting in Liberia bogged down before it even got started Wednesday.

10.   The session was called to find ways of appeasing a population angered by the loss of personal savings in pyramid schemes.

v. + find >>共 407
return 7.63%
arrive 5.78%
work 5.02%
awake 4.20%
say 3.92%
use 3.92%
wake 2.13%
be 2.06%
do 1.93%
surprise 1.79%
call 0.76%
call + v. >>共 555
testify 10.53%
say 6.47%
tell 4.10%
ask 3.56%
discuss 2.83%
protest 2.37%
mind 2.37%
complain 1.84%
offer 1.61%
give 1.53%
find 0.42%
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