1.   His daughter Cynthia used to call him daily with problems and questions about personal and world events.

2.   If I call daily and ask if he took his multivitamin, is that overstepping?

3.   Residents are calling us daily to report aggressive animals.

4.   Taking the long view is hard for any parent, especially if your child is e-mailing two or three times a day and calling daily.

5.   He said he is anxious to get to the United States to see Livan, who has been calling him daily to advise on negotiations and training.

6.   In the wake of the attacks, Larkin said Internet service providers have been calling daily with tips and requests for more information.

7.   Today, the Sao Paulo psychiatrist can afford to call daily.

v. + daily >>共 30
hold 24.24%
report 12.88%
make 10.61%
set 6.06%
call 5.30%
get 5.30%
drive 4.55%
see 3.79%
send 3.03%
serve 3.03%
call + a. >>共 1282
quits 7.80%
safe 1.28%
unfair 1.16%
motivated 0.98%
early 0.90%
unconstitutional 0.83%
old-fashioned 0.75%
unacceptable 0.71%
crazy 0.68%
stupid 0.68%
daily 0.26%
每页显示:    共 7