1.   In converting radiocarbon results to calendar dates, the wiggles in the calibration curve are the real problem.

2.   This section then describes some validation parameters including accuracy and precision, random errors, calibration curves and noise.

3.   When a sample with an unknown level of that element is analysed its concentration can be plotted on the calibration curve.

4.   A universal calibration curve is then obtained by plotting against V R for a given carrier solvent and a fixed temperature.

5.   If the universal calibration curve is valid for the system then where the subscripts s and u denote the standard calibration and the polymer under study, respectively.

6.   Thus a calibration curve constructed for standard samples of polystyrene can be used to determine M for other polymers if the Mark-Houwink relations are also known.

7.   Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor.

8.   The calibration curve was non-linear.

n. + curve >>共 147
yield 27.00%
demand 5.03%
supply 4.84%
growth 4.66%
bell 3.35%
cost 2.79%
hairpin 2.79%
liquidity 2.05%
preference 2.05%
survival 1.86%
calibration 1.86%
calibration + n. >>共 12
curve 41.67%
laboratory 8.33%
stage 8.33%
technique 8.33%
device 4.17%
error 4.17%
exercise 4.17%
model 4.17%
nut 4.17%
procedure 4.17%
每页显示:    共 10