1.   You put them on those planning calendar pages.

2.   But, as the calendar pages turn, nature increasingly leaves only teenaged guards, some of them not even Germans, to pay for the Holocaust.

3.   Do we have to take a half-year of calendar pages and crumple them up with one big horrid sigh?

4.   For them, it shows the enormity of what Americans are dealing with and suggests that no turning of a calendar page can make it go away.

5.   I acknowledge its right to occupy the calendar page between January and March.

6.   In the news business, August is regarded as a permanent weekend, a calendar page of Sundays.

7.   On Sunday, I felt as if I were in one of those old movies where the wind blows the calendar pages up and years fly by.

8.   Organized people who are attuned to their surroundings manage to flip calendar pages over on the very first of the month.

9.   Personally, I do not believe in resolutions made under the influence of clean calendar pages.

10.   The flip of the calendar page to a new year often brings a lot of financial advice about tax law changes and new investment opportunities.

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