1.   How do we calculate the value of the asset that we are trying to protect?

2.   To help you calculate the value of your possessions, there is a guide on the back of this leaflet.

3.   One method of calculating the value of a claim is to consider separately the cost of materials, plant, labour, temporary works and indirect costs.

4.   Specificity and sensitivity values were calculated and statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data.

5.   It becomes increasingly difficult to establish what effect would have arisen without integration, and hence to calculate the value of the inte- gration effect.

6.   In Darlington estate agents have been contracted by the Inland Revenue to calculate the value of every house in the town by the end of May.

7.   Where no allowance is made for depreciation in calculating the value of total output, the resulting figures are also referred to as gross.

8.   As Reed talked about electronics and platforms and consumer brands, Weill kept calculating the value the stock market was placing on Travelers in the wake of the deal.

9.   Better still, how does one calculate the value of the work involved in taking care of our children?

10.   But the board said it would press forward and eventually come up with a recommended way to calculate the value of stock options.

v. + value >>共 731
erode 6.11%
have 6.06%
increase 4.60%
reduce 2.97%
lose 2.95%
boost 2.21%
see 2.10%
add 1.83%
know 1.82%
determine 1.38%
calculate 0.45%
calculate + n. >>共 390
cost 4.87%
index 3.80%
figure 3.72%
rate 3.08%
amount 2.51%
value 2.44%
payment 2.36%
loss 1.86%
tax 1.79%
number 1.72%
每页显示:    共 34