1.   The density of both cell types within the antrum of each specimen was determined by calculating the number of each cell type per high power field.

2.   Integrated meal stimulated serum gastrin outputs were determined by calculating the area under the serum concentration time curve.

3.   The price of a swap is determined by calculating the current value of all the payments to be made over the life of the deal.

4.   The number of people eligible to transfer is determined by calculating how many people will be needed to build the Cutlass Supreme at Fairfax.

v. + determine >>共 60
be 10.34%
add 6.90%
testing 6.90%
calculate 4.31%
divide 3.45%
measure 3.45%
pitch 3.45%
analyze 2.59%
make 2.59%
examine 2.59%
calculate + v. >>共 9
be 27.78%
determine 27.78%
do 11.11%
assess 5.56%
gain 5.56%
measure 5.56%
need 5.56%
plot 5.56%
schedule 5.56%
每页显示:    共 5