1.   A few spider monkeys played in one caged area.

2.   Inmates are led by COs in waist chains and handcuffs to the visiting area, where inmates are confined in caged areas and separated from visitors by wire mesh.

3.   That included installing a caged area that restricts access to cargo bays, securing cargo bays with electronic-coded locks and performing background checks on all employees.

4.   The only empty seats were in the caged area usually occupied by defendants.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
caged 0%
caged + n. >>共 55
animal 16.52%
bird 14.78%
canary 5.22%
area 3.48%
lion 3.48%
life 2.61%
chicken 2.61%
tiger 2.61%
cockatiel 1.74%
atom 1.74%
每页显示:    共 4