1.   And the president set up centers in five Cabinet departments to coordinate with religious and nonprofit groups.

2.   Another proposal that sounds like a serious assault on a bloated federal government is to abolish a Cabinet department or two, the more the merrier.

3.   Anti-terrorism czar Tom Ridge simply could not get anything done without the institutional power of a Cabinet department behind him.

4.   Attorney General Janet Reno ranked sixth despite the fact that the Justice Department is traditionally considered one of the top four Cabinet departments.

5.   Because no full Cabinet department was created for him, Ridge ducked the Senate confirmation process.

6.   A handful of programs, including Pell grants, Perkins loans and Indian education, would transfer to other Cabinet departments and federal agencies.

7.   Bush has set up offices in five cabinet departments to coordinate with religious and secular non-profit groups.

8.   But Ridge has been careful not to say explicitly that he thought a Cabinet department would be a mistake.

9.   But some analysts say that Bush has concentrated so much power in the Cabinet departments that he has exposed himself to the risk of damaging internal conflicts.

10.   Congress should give him proper statutory power and the support of a full Cabinet department.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
cabinet + n. >>共 352
minister 24.02%
meeting 17.48%
member 12.32%
post 6.35%
reshuffle 3.88%
secretary 3.23%
official 2.41%
position 1.77%
appointment 1.46%
session 1.15%
department 0.88%
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