1.   There was no structural incursion into the cabin space except to some degree in the instrument panel and rudder pedal areas.

2.   Utilising transverse engines and a front-wheel-drive layout, the Safrane provides maximum cabin space in a compact package.

3.   Inside, there is more cabin space and a long list of standard luxury features.

4.   The BBJ, as it is known, has more than double the cabin space of its closest luxury competitor, the Gulfstream V series.

5.   Ejection seats could accommodate six astronauts but would take up precious cabin space.

n. + space >>共 554
office 18.36%
storage 7.96%
shelf 4.45%
floor 3.62%
retail 3.22%
cargo 2.76%
exhibition 2.68%
work 2.44%
wall 1.58%
gallery 1.45%
cabin 0.13%
cabin + n. >>共 143
crew 22.03%
pressure 8.74%
door 7.87%
attendant 4.02%
floor 3.85%
staff 3.32%
member 2.62%
window 2.45%
air 2.10%
roof 1.75%
space 0.87%
每页显示:    共 5