1.   She is re-taking mathematics O level in November and after private tuition is expected to gain a C grade.

2.   Arizona maintained its C grade in business vitality, which measures competitiveness, industrial diversity, new-business formation and more.

3.   After three years with a C grade for economic performance, Arizona slipped to a D in the most recent evaluation.

4.   In that area, California received C grade.

5.   Mark Bonavia, a director of corporate communications for Sprint, said his company had made many improvements even though it received a C grade for the second year.

6.   Some of the most dramatic changes have occurred in sports, which was given a C grade.

7.   Texas earned a C grade because too many traffic deaths in the state involved alcohol, MADD director of public policy Bob Shearouse said.

8.   There is also a C grade, which chefs use for pates and mousses instead for sauteeing.

9.   Once the program was installed, they say they received C grades while some women and minorities with less experience or inferior work records were given higher grades.

10.   The company continues to defend the new grading system, which allows for a demotion or termination if a manager receives two consecutive C grades.

a. + grade >>共 302
eighth 8.48%
third 7.38%
first 6.42%
sixth 6.34%
good 5.61%
fifth 5.27%
fourth 5.06%
seventh 4.98%
ninth 4.31%
second 3.96%
c 0.41%
c + n. >>共 152
b 21.58%
virus 7.19%
infection 3.84%
grade 3.36%
patient 2.88%
share 2.40%
average 2.16%
treatment 2.16%
game 1.44%
match 1.44%
每页显示:    共 14