1.   My C game puts me on an airplane on Friday.

2.   To borrow a phrase from Tiger Woods, I went out and played my C game and we still won.

3.   While an underdog against New Zealand, Ireland hopes to defeat Japan and Wales in subsequent pool C games to advance to the quarterfinals.

4.   But Japanese captain Masahiro Kunda was close-mouthed on the decisions after this World Cup pool C game.

5.   Chile have performed poorly in the cup, losing both their group C games played so far to the United States and Argentina.

6.   Colombia play Peru in another group C game earlier in the day while Mexico face Paraguay in a group A game at Maldonado later on Thursday.

a. + game >>共 565
first 7.68%
second 4.76%
straight 4.58%
the 4.53%
final 4.05%
home 3.24%
consecutive 3.06%
third 2.69%
last 2.27%
running 2.26%
c 0.01%
c + n. >>共 152
b 21.58%
virus 7.19%
infection 3.84%
grade 3.36%
patient 2.88%
share 2.40%
average 2.16%
treatment 2.16%
game 1.44%
match 1.44%
每页显示:    共 6