1.   Business leaders applauded the Decision.

2.   Business leaders welcomed a cut in the interest rate.

3.   Government officials do not have to give speeches to business leaders telling them that it is important to export.

4.   He summoned a meeting of business leaders.

5.   He will be accompanied by city officials, including the airport and port directors, business leaders and staff.

6.   I believe it is our responsibility as business leaders to manage as carefully and as compassionately as we can.

7.   Lewis recently spoke at a conference of women business leaders.

8.   The new freeway plan has been praised by local business leaders.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
每页显示:    共 2677