1.   Besides, with his business knowledge, they could finally work together.

2.   But he realized that he had no business knowledge at all, so he decided that he would have to hire someone to run the business.

3.   Lynch and his staff said they were heartened by the business knowledge displayed by their budding proteges last summer.

4.   Many who do open food businesses start with meager capital, even less business knowledge and a staff recruited mostly from family.

5.   Now, with those efforts winding down, Maszczak thinks his broader business knowledge has prepared him for a bigger management job.

6.   Some lifelong residents are fleeing the country, taking with them their business knowledge, capital and ability to employ people.

7.   What better gift than to share her business knowledge with talented but inexperienced young people?

8.   Generally, the tasksthat require business knowledge, thereby strategic to the company, areretained in-house.

9.   Handing over decision-making to someone with business knowledge sounds like exactly what Japan needs.

10.   The report concluded that five factors make for a successful cooperative -- active leadership, participation from members, business knowledge, appropriate group size and suitable business activities.

n. + knowledge >>共 137
advance 14.53%
first-hand 9.85%
insider 6.16%
specialist 4.93%
background 3.69%
baseball 3.69%
football 3.45%
computer 2.46%
business 2.46%
product 1.97%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
knowledge 0.03%
每页显示:    共 10