1.   Also in the package are small business incentives to make sure businesses are crunched because of the hike.

2.   Biogen will not receive tax breaks or other business development incentives.

3.   Both the Dole plan and the Republican platform planks call for balancing the federal budget while slashing income taxes, providing small business incentives and reducing government regulation.

4.   He also took credit for helping Hispanics by pushing for lower taxes, small business incentives and education accountability.

5.   If the court imposed conduct relief, Microsoft would remain intact, and its business incentives would not be changed.

6.   In practice, neither of the merger partners would have much business incentive to deal exclusively only with each other.

7.   In the end, it will depend on what business incentives the city and local governments can offer, he said.

8.   Most analysts expect AOL Time Warner to abide by the consent decree because of its built-in business incentives.

9.   Small business incentives, capital gains tax cut and indexation, unfunded mandate reform.

10.   Stripped of the employer subsidy and the business incentive, old-style service clubs lose out to a new breed of community organizations.

n. + incentive >>共 172
tax 44.14%
government 6.38%
cash 5.25%
investment 4.22%
market 2.06%
business 2.06%
retirement 1.95%
performance 1.65%
work 1.34%
customer 0.93%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
incentive 0.06%
每页显示:    共 20