1.   All over Bosnia, dwellings are burnt out, uninhabitable, or simply not there any more.

2.   We passed several burnt out cars.

3.   All that remains is the crumpled skeleton of the burnt out hangar.

4.   This afternoon workmen were continuing with the clear up operation in and around the burnt out hangar.

5.   The bodies of two men have been found in a burnt out pick-up truck.

6.   Or is that the one that has got the burnt out bits in it?

7.   The stolen Mazda getaway car was found burnt out two hours later.

8.   There was a lot of looting, erm a lot of burnt out buildings, erm ministry buildings, erm looting in those buildings.

9.   Edgy, tight, bug-eyed, burnt out.

10.   One whose waiting to come lends singular sizzle to a mostly burnt out season.

a. + out >>共 584
due 22.35%
broke 4.75%
burned 3.01%
worn 2.32%
passed 1.47%
drawn 1.43%
left 1.35%
single 1.31%
burnt 1.20%
separate 1.20%
burnt + p. >>共 8
out 70.45%
down 6.82%
in 6.82%
on 6.82%
near 2.27%
of 2.27%
up 2.27%
without 2.27%
每页显示:    共 31